To prevent attendees from "joining" Zoom meetings early and hence being incorrectly logged as "Attended", the Portal Zoom Join Page will now only allow joining the meeting within 30 minutes before start time. The join page also now also displays a countdown to the zoom session start time.
The "Maximum Capacity" setting in Events now refers to in-person capacity only. Registrations for online attendance do not count with respect to capacity/availability set by this value. Additionally, each registration category line still has its own capacity option.
This update reverses the change made with Max Capacity. it will once again refer to the overall maximum capacity and not the in-person capacity. A new field for "In-Person Maximum" is now located under the Event Maximum on the event registration setup screen.
Cancelling event instances with Zoom meetings assigned will now also cancel the zoom meeting if that meeting ID is not also assigned to other instances in Gnosis. Cancellations are always confirmed before execution.
The length of the event description for the calednar page has been increased from 1000 characters to 10,000 characters.
The Kiosk auto-start has been improved and some issues addressed to improve startup reliability.
The in-house attendance kiosk now has the option to display a health declaration for all attending on-site programs
The Recurring scheduling option and the timespan calculator UI elements were substantially improved in this version. See the referenced help center article for more information.
The "Cancel Button" in the HTML editor in Event Management now operates correctly.
Added a new feature to allow the posting of event recordings to be made available on the Gnosis web portal - both to general public and to members/participants.
Zoom integration was updated to accomodate changes in behazior with the zoom service
Added some changes to the online video library to display event info more cleanly and allow usage of youtube alternate URL's.
Group meetings can now be closed to new attendees by pressing a button in the Facilitator admin screen.
The attendance screen now shows whether attendee is currently a member of the group associated with the event, was previously associated with the group, and is not yet active in the group
The attendance kiosk was previously allowinvg only lower-case letters in an email address. This has been changed to allow upper-case also.
The Gnosis calendar may now be embedded in simple list mode on other web pages. The mode is for viewing upcoming events for a given period and does not provide any interactivity.
The Kiosk once again operates correctly when displaying it in Single Event Check-In mode.
The kiosk will now honor the new maximum in-person limit if set within a selected event.
Integrated new "Groups" functionality into the Attendance management screen with an Icon showing the group membership status at the time of the event.
Upgraded the registrations form browser to fix compatability issues with some newly released Windows updates.
Modified the Member Groups selection list box to group the list of groups by season if seasons are being used for group management.
Fixed an issue in event central registration admin that prevented a person from being registered again if they were already registered and the user tried to register them again with the "Register Anyway" link.
This release fixes a crash that was occuring in the previous release in the attendance kiosk.
When entering existing Zoom meetings into an event, Gnosis now also retreives he Zoom account name for the account to be used for the session.
Add to Calendar support is now available on the calendar page in the details popup for any future event. Additionally, the Add To Calendar function can be added to any otherevent related page in Compsite.
In event management when a user attempts vto open an event that has veen locked by another user, those with "Event Approver" Administrative ACL permissions now have the ability to force-close the other session.
When you specify a waiver to be presented at time of registration for a specific event, registrations made via the calendar will now have the waiver text shown and will require agreement to proceed with registration.
Updated the Zoom API functionality to match new Zoom requirements.
Events may now have different registration flows for registering new persons into the system. This modification allows a different level of detail to be requested for different types of events, and completely different registration flows may be implemented for specified events. See the more details link for a complete description.
Skipped attendance records now show correctly on the person's group memberships tab and in Group Management reports. Skipped attendance records also do not now accrue hours for the skipped events.
Added a new setting to the General tab of the kiosk admin settings - "Finish Session After Volunteering". If turned on, after completing volunteer attendance, the kiosk will return to the initial login for the next session instead of then asking the volunteer if they are also attending any events or programs (which is the behavior when this option is not enabled).
Event registration eligibility check now can apply to either the person making the booking, or to each individual person being registered. This is a system-wide preference setting called "Enforce Member Eligibility"
Existing behavior in your system has not changed by default.
The add-to-calendar functionality has again been re-enabled on calendar popups and event information pages.
To accomodate the attending of Zoom programs where registration was made under a different family member's account, the "Family Members page" now provides the option to view other family members upcoming activities and join via that page.
The limit imposed on the number of event instances an event may have has been substantially increased in this version.
On the event entry screen, when creating a new event, you are now required to select "Single" or "Repeating" rather than the option being defaulted to "Single". This change has been made to resolve issues with users forgetting to specifically set this option pn new events.
Fixed an issue with some reports not working on the event management screen.
The event list API now allows filtering by location. This allows you to implement a calendar on your home page with filters to select locations to display.
When creating new events from an existing template, a date error would sometimes occur, interrupting the data entry process. This has been addressed in this release.
Some web browsers were erroneously auto-filling certain fields on the registration forms. We have mofied those pages in an attempt to defeat this behavior.
When a new person is registered via an attendance kiosk, the resulting record is tagged with the originating location of the kiosk name.
The calendar now has an additional option that will display only the specified event instead of the full calendar under an event popup. This can be used to implement other self-developed calendars for alternate display formats. See the calendar options guide linked here for additional information.
The new Registration Management option will allow you to easily move registrations between event instances, print a list of registrants and send a communications center email to registered persons. See the linked article for additional information
The website calendar may now be filtered by icons and or links that implement a combination of City/Location and Event Category filters.
Room names may now be specified in Reference Data and may be assigned hierarchically under calendar city/locations.
This version improves handling of event instance cancellations. Gnosis will not delete zoom meetings - or even ask if deletion is wanted - when there are other event instances that use - or ultimately will use - the meeting ID.
When participants view calendar information for an event that they are not Ineligible to attend, they can now be taken to a custom page that can lead them through the process of becoming Ineligible. This can be configured by adding the Page URL in Preferences --> Event Management --> Ineligible Info Page URL.
Improved the event editing lock system to operate more reliably.
Fixes an error that occurs in the Event Management registrations screen.
Fixed an issue where 2 resources with the same name caused the resource bookings to not display in the grid.