Gnosis ADAPT V3 Report Released |
Hello ,
The ADAPT V3 Report - Prompted Date Range has been added to your report center. Please ensure that you update to Gnosis version 1.2.949 (also released this morning) before attempting to run the new ADAPT report.
The new report includes the updated and additional definitions and formulas released by CSC Headquarters to take affect for 2022 Q1 reporting. Updates have also been made in the Gnosis ADAPT Help Center articles. |
NEW Contact Management Service Type & Flag In order to properly separate general ADAPT-related services from resources/referral, it was necessary to add a new ADAPT Resources/Referrals flag since our last round of updates. Service Type Definitions: - General Support - ADAPT should be used for individual sessions which are not an Orientation, Counseling, or other existing flag value. Common general services would include*:
- Intake Interviews
- CMPs
- individuals family/sessions that are not counseling.
- Resource/Referrals are only phone/email contacts for:
Contacts asking for information about CSC/GC programs or services; requesting cancer-related information or support; or providing referrals to community resources.
- Follow-up conversations with those who attended a new member meeting.
*Your system may have separate Service Types for these values which are already mapped to the flag General Support - ADAPT. Please log a support ticket if you need help with these flag assignments. |